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ยท 3 min read

Utterances info and installation guide

Only for Jekyll, I'm sorry.


Anyone here who is a comment freak? Like, any blog they visit, if there is support for comments, they will type one immediately? Well, they might have heard of Disqus. A free comment system but if used free, this happens:

me: I hosted a blog today and added Disqus!
one month later...
me checking my blog: where did those horrid ads come from?
me finding out it was disqus: removing
me wanting a new comment system: what about cusdis?
1 week later...
me: god i cant manage those cusdis emails! within a week, i get 100 mails to approve comments
me sees utterances: good
one week later...
me checking blog: wow, no permission, no ads, utterances is cool!

I am going to explain how to install Utterances on your blog.

What is Utterances?โ€‹

Utterances is a comment system that uses GitHub Primer, the css toolkit that powers the GitHub sites. That is why if you look at it, you will think that GitHub also has this kind of UI.

It uses GitHub issues, so, all a person needs to comment is a GitHub account and for you, a repo included.


We will be going via steps.

Step 1: App installationโ€‹

Install the Utterances app from here

Step 2: Utterances codeโ€‹

Go to and toggle the settings.

Fill out the repo name, by making a repo for your comments or any other methods.

Choose an issue type.

Then choose your theme. It will show you a demo of the theme.

Then, make a label if you want.

Then, at last, copy the code. This code is important, so keep it safe somewhere.

Step 3: Adding and modifying the codeโ€‹

Make a html file inside the _includes directory called utterances.html.

Then, make a text file, and copy the info filled in repo, issue-term, theme and label, if you add it.

Then , replace it with

{{ site.utterances.repo }}
{{ site.utterances.issue-term }}
{{ site.utterances.theme }}
{{ site.utterances.label }}

, only if you add labels.

Then, in config.yml, add these lines:

label: #if you add it.

After adding these lines, go to _layouts and open post.html in an editor.

add these lines between </article> and <style>:

{% if site.utterances.repo %}
{% if site.utterances.issue-term %}
{% if site.utterances.theme %}
{% include utterances.html %}
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% endif %}

If you have those lines filled up, Utterances will successfully work.

Happy commenting on open-source tech!

All code found in my portfolio.

ยท One min read

Get to know how to deploy the Code-Server repo on Railway(GitHub account needed!)


So, a lot of you know about Code-Server, and it is cool but a problem is that you MUST have a Linux distro to use it. This guide is made for the people who wanna use it without a linux distro like Debian.


Railway is advised and a GitHub account, more advised. So, go to code-server in GitHub and hit F3. Then search 'deploy' and hit the link. It will take you to another repository by cdr. Then scroll down and hit Railway's see docs. Then hit the Railway icon which is a bullet train. You will go to Railway and login with GitHub. Then scroll down and set private, put a password, and copy this:

Then hit Deploy and wait. Then, see your bottom right corner for a green popup. When it comes, hit that and you will go to a new site. It will ask for the password you set during deployment, so enter that. You now got Code-Server deployed and running, sir!

I'll make a revised version soon.

ยท 2 min read

A new editor in the cloud! Read on!

So, I have been programming on my laptop, in Google Chrome. Wait a minute, did I just say Google Chrome? Yes, I did, and I introduce you to(drumrolls please!)


Yes, this is an instance of VS Code, which is my main editor, in a browser. I am running it by deploying it in need to get yourself a GitHub account to login, which is fine for me.)

So, I cloned it and deployed it to Then, I wait for 5 minutes and click the green popup.

Remember, when you are setting up, enter a basic password in the Password section to log in and the Git section must contain a random GitHub repo's Git URL.

Then, you go to the site via the green popup in bottom, just click it, and enter your specific password.

There you are! You got yourself VSCode in browser with Bash too!

You can visit the site in any device, but mobile isn't good yet.

Tablets, especially the iPad is advised due to the Smart Keyboard or Magic Keyboard and Magic Mouse or Trackpad.

So, that is it for now.

Young me lmao